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Happiness and well-being is important to us. This emphasis on creating a positive culture where people can thrive is key to our success in attracting and retaining talented employees.

We’re proud at PEM of our history of building strong employee engagement, evidenced in our high staff retention; however the significant growth we’ve enjoyed in recent years, a reflection of the prosperity of Cambridge with its booming life-sciences and tech sectors and world-class university learning, means there remains a continued challenge to ensure we recruit and retain the best people.

Our short decision-making chains and open communication allow people to connect at all levels which, along with our commitment to authenticity and reliability – two of our core values, has instilled a real sense of trust and belonging across the team. Moving away from conventional business practices, giving staff the freedom to choose their working hours and dress code for work, has also had a positive impact.

With the recent opening of our second office in the North of Cambridge, further testament to our continued growth, we’re excited at the opportunity to use these new facilities for delivering and providing further development opportunities to ensure our people have the right skills to meet future business demands.

Our recruitment for 2018 completed in the Spring and we’re delighted that we’ll have 15 trainees starting in the Autumn, 10 of which will be in the Audit and Accounts team. Our people are our biggest asset and we’re committed to nurturing a culture where people love to work, and where the right people with the right skills are doing the right things.

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