A fond farewell to Judith Coplowe.

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Judith Coplowe

Today we bid farewell to Partner Judith Coplowe, who retired after 35 years with PEM.

Judith has been a Partner since 2016 and specialised in the Charities and Not For Profit sector. For many years Judith headed up the student appraisals, and has been instrumental in training and influencing so many past and present PEM staff.

Warren Tilbury, Managing Partner, has commented “In recent years Judith was the Head of our Charities and NFP team and helped elevate this sector to be a specialist part of our offering where we punch well above our weight. I know how much respect there is for Judith from within this team and her loyal clients. This respect is very well deserved and shared by the whole firm.”

Thankfully the rain held off and we were able to have a socially distanced toast outside in the PEM garden; Judith was a huge part of PEM and will be sorely missed by staff and clients alike.

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